In a day and age where great care must be made in what we claim,
Is this loud enough for you?
Let everyone in the nation hear it loud and clear:No Allopathic M.D. Has A Success Rate To Match David Cohen
With over thirty years of study and practical application, this naturopathic expert
enjoys a nearly uninterrupted string of successes guiding people to heal themselves naturally.
His highest salary check in 30 years of succeeding is surely less than YOUR doctor's smallest weekly income.
There are people who care for money, and prove it with their lives, and their are those who care, and prove it well.
Instead of ten and twenty and fifty appointments for the same problem which "never seems to go away,"
Dr. Cohen's goal is to get you in and out with the fewest possible appointments.
This saves you time, money, aggravated sitting sessions in waiting rooms,
and, far more importantly, is INFINITELY safer and healthier.
If you believe you are safe with a medical doctor,
you are mathematically likely to end up sick.
Sixteen people are injured by doctors,
or sickened by the drugs they order,
for every ONE who benefits.
Look it up: JAMA, Lancet,
and too many others.
Heal yourself.
Dr. David Cohen, ND, PhD, MH, CNC: What's his secret?Great question... ... and the answers are simple: This approach has proven to be inarguably worthwhile, perhaps the healthiest approach to disease and disorder, because the proof is in the pudding, by way of such a high rate of success. In sum, Dr. David Cohen refuses to build financial wealth on the pain and suffering of other humans. That's a disease unto itself, isn't it? In Dr. Cohen's own words, "Learn more, to live more" With knowledge in your pocket, you CAN regain your natural state of healthy balance; Treating symptoms only is the reason why your doctor loses so many patients. Treating symptoms does NOTHING to heal the body, it only hides symptoms. Symptoms are your body's alarm system for telling you something's wrong. When you address your own underlying causes for your symptoms, you more than triple the probability of fixing your problem, of regaining your natural balance of health. Refuah Vechaim continues to be a nonprofit organization, Because any human who develops wealth from the sickness of others is sick themselves. Come to a doctor, a naturopathic doctor, who cares more for you than for money. - 1420 47th St, Boro Park |